My Fellow Canadians,

Thank you very much for your recent contribution to my Public-School Trustee Election Campaign ward 3 & 4. This elections spell is ended but my passion to contribute with citizens to bring change and accountability in our CBE is not. My several election signs been vandalized but I’m very delighted that we ran an uncontaminated and unpolluted political campaign. We did not win but your support makes it possible for me to sweep the fourth position. I wanted to let you know that your Vote is a generous gift for me and I deeply appreciate your involvement in this Civic Elections. Dear Residents, though many of us have never came across with one another, when I saw the election results, I couldn’t stop imagining you and thinking about the amazingness of getting support from all of you and specifically from someone I did not even meet. Please stay touch and send me an email or give me a call if you have any concerns or questions about Curriculum, Class -Size, Kids Vaccination, School Transportation, Parent, Teacher concerns or questions regarding kids’ education. I must express appreciation to all of you who made it all wonderful.

Thank you so very much,
Najeeb Butt
Real Estate Consultant

*Proud father of three wonderful and well educated children*

*Highly motivated, qualified and an energetic individual that holds a Master’s Degree*

*Come join me to support our next generation for the best interest of their education*

*I'm passionate to look after special students with complex needs, cognitive issues, and limited range of motion* 

I need your support and I promise to work in the best interest of your children education  

Najeeb Butt for School Board Trustee Ward 3 & 4


I want to bring fairness, safety and quality of education to every student irrespective of ethnicity, faith, orientation, mobility issues, cognitive issues, language or background.

I believe transparency with Parents, Teachers and Student Associations is a must.

girl with mask on and backpack reading a book


Nothing is more central than our children and their schooling. Parents, families and educator’s opinions is my plan.  My agenda is to make a difference through your opinions and proposals.

Ni Hao!

Who can speak for you and protect your children’s educational rights tirelessly?? It is you! You are the captain of your vote. Let’s make education more constructive, more attractive, more functional and more progressive for all.   


We can achieve our goals together. I’m prepared to do that jointly with your help. But it’s up to us to come together on the 18th day of October 2021. In Calgary, your neighborhood is the place for you to cast your vote for a better future for your children.


My goal is to get back parents, families and teachers voice in school loudly and clearly. Together we can continuously make a difference in bringing success to every student.

Sat Shri Akaal!

Many students are on subsidized and affordable education plans. A middle-class family income may sometimes not be fully eligible for subsidized school benefits such as sports, arts and transit. I want to ensure that learning activity and educational needs are fulfilled. 


I strongly encourage everybody to take an active role in shaping the future of our children’s education. We need to always be assessing the performance of your kids schooling as a whole to ensure no one is left behind.


We all know children matter for all parents and student's success is the success of our society. 


Making good decisions begins with being a good listener. Allow me to hear your concerns! Parents and family heads understand what is best for their children.


We are behind or falling apart to build an affordable educational system for families. Let’s make education more notable, more enhanced, more phenomenal, more acceptable and more convenient for everyone, with or without a pandemic.


The new curriculum needs some adjustments, during my door knocking parents have expressed their concerns. There is a need to update this curriculum to meet all diverse students learning needs.


I’m committed to building strong relationships and maintain trust amongst families, teachers, students and the CBE. I want to strive continuously to ameliorate upon and create awareness of CBE services in this changing world.


Together we can improve Calgary Board of Education standards. You are my team of ideas. Please give me your thoughts. You are the integral part of this process.


Together we can identify better ways to support our children academically achieving their goals and better preparing them for adulthood.


Parents, students and teachers deserve respect. Not listening is disrespectful. I want to assure you that the ideas provided by you will not land on deaf ears. But heard directly within the Calgary Board of Education, loudly and clearly. Your ideas correspond with our vision for a better education for all.


I am looking forward to working with my community in the years ahead to provide our students with a sound foundation where all of them have an equal chance to learn.

Guten Tag!

If you bring any suggestions, you will find me listening very carefully. What do you think? What should change? What would make our educational system better for the future?


If chosen by you, I intend to meet with parents, teachers, families, communities and under your guidance will work for your kids’ public-school education by setting plans, making policies and looking after the annual budget as per your needs.

Geia sas!

In partnership with each other. We, the residents, have the opportunity to develop a clear community vision. I’m taking on this responsibility to oversee the affairs of public-school ward 3 & 4. Through this democratic process, lets be goal setters for our children’s public-school system.